Osborne Estate
Development & Services Ltd

OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD, is duly incorporated since 2011 and under the Company and Allied Matters Act, 2020, to carry on business of property purchase, development, letting, legal management and investment and to acquire any Estate or interest in and to take options over, construct, develop or exploit any property in accordance with the objects of the company.

OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD is an indigenous Company conceived, specialized, and intended to help in delivering of quality professional Services such as Legal Management of Properties; Sale of Land and Buildings; Perfection of all Legal Documents, Leasing and Renting of Residential and Non-Residential Buildings such as Office Complex, Shopping Malls.

OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD offers a wide scope of real Estate services, more so specializing in management, rental and sale of up-market residential properties and a variety of commercial properties in Nigeria. Our knowledge in both residential and commercial property markets in Nigeria is drawn from our professionals’ wide span of experience in the real Estate industry, which has been ably demonstrated for years.

Our staff are young, dynamic and well experienced, multi-disciplined professionals who have developed themselves over the years to become icons in their various profession and are actively involved in purchasing, marketing, sales, development, letting and management of both residential and commercial properties.

With a high commitment to sustain its quality delivery services, OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD., has consistently maintained a record of prompt delivery of quality services and provides updated training and information package for its staffs.

Saling Estate

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

Saling Estate

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

Saling Estate

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

Saling Estate

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

Our Areas of Coverage

The company is poised to radically cover Nigeria from its various Offices with formidable staff strength and a dedicated work force, we are positioned to take the Real Estate industry to the next level.


The Company’s service is achieved through our experienced professionals who have built a trustworthy business relationship with our Clients and have in turn trusted our company with their respective properties/facilities.

Majority of our properties/facilities are notably located in commercial cities within Nigeria.

Business Objectives
Plans & Targets

The business objectives of OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD., shall be to provide the best Real Estate services and legal management services to our clients, while giving them value for their money and investments.

Our business plan shall embody:

  1. Our Client’s satisfaction plans
  2. Purpose, Objective and Goal.

Our Commitment

It is the intention of OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD., to surpass our client’s expectations, evidently contributing and fostering relationships with clients, and between tenants and properties owners. We offer best legal advice and solutions on how to grow, manage, deal and invest in properties, therefore enhancing growth and better input in property management, better tenants in properties, better offer and deals in properties negotiations.

Undoubtedly, our approach in property management has led to the continued and sustained growth of OSBORNE ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES LTD., resulting to the creation of employment and constant development at all level of our businesses.

Our Vision

Our vision is to manage Real Estate properties of our clients in the most efficient way possible, by adopting the most efficient tools readily available in the market and to facilitate prompt and satisfactory results in our services to our clients, nourish the idea of acceleration, advancement and enhancing the ethics in Real Estate.

for sellers

Do you want to join our real estate network

Selling a house is a big move. Let us show you the ropes.


Homes For Sale


Homes For Rent


Recently Sold


Happy Clients

Here’s what clients say about us

As a fourth generation realtor, I was raised in a family where real estate was the primary occupation. She has a passion for the business and a steadfast dedication to her clients. As a licensed agent in both California and Arizona, I bring over five years of experience to the table and is adept at handling any transaction.
Emma Watson
As a fourth generation realtor, I was raised in a family where real estate was the primary occupation. She has a passion for the business and a steadfast dedication to her clients. As a licensed agent in both California and Arizona, I bring over five years of experience to the table and is adept at handling any transaction.
Emma Watson
As a fourth generation realtor, I was raised in a family where real estate was the primary occupation. She has a passion for the business and a steadfast dedication to her clients. As a licensed agent in both California and Arizona, I bring over five years of experience to the table and is adept at handling any transaction.
Emma Watson
As a fourth generation realtor, I was raised in a family where real estate was the primary occupation. She has a passion for the business and a steadfast dedication to her clients. As a licensed agent in both California and Arizona, I bring over five years of experience to the table and is adept at handling any transaction.
Emma Watson



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